Friday, October 30, 2009

More Chicks

Yesterday was a pretty good day. It's amazing that when I'm exercising and eating right, I feel better and have more energy. Funny how that works. Bo had his Halloween party and went as a cowboy. It's such a simple costume and yet he loves it. After preschool we ran to Costco. I hardly go there since I started coupon sense, but no good milk sales this week. We got pizza as usual and that was hard for me. I did pretty good, but it's just bad in a very good way. Then I found out we would be going out for dinner for Joy's birthday. How am I supposed to stay in my calories like that?? After I picked up the kids from school, I went and got my nails done. A much needed treat. Then straight to dinner with the family. I was the first one there and it was chilly so it was great to go in and have a cup of hot chocolate. Mmmmm! I ordered a meal that would fit into my calories and then they brought me the normal meal with fried potatoes and butter toast. Grrrrr. Of course I ate it. Not all of the potatoes, but enough. Tomorrows another day.

On the way home, I decided to stop at Ross and look for a shirt for my reunion coming up. I found a shirt I really liked and as I was waiting in line to check out, I noticed the girl working the register was wearing the same shirt! It wouldn't be that bad except that she was probably 275 lbs and the shirt was all distorted. I wasn't even positive it was the same till I got up there. Just kind of took the fun out of it. I still like it though. Ran to walmart to do some ad matching and headed home.

Made some Halloween cookies for Brooklyn's class tomorrow and sent everyone to bed. Today I got to sleep in a little and that's always nice. Chelsey didn't have choir so she stayed home till 9:30. After I took the kids to school, I went to the feed store to get my little chicks. I got eight of them. There were four different breeds so I got two of each. They are only 95% guaranteed to be hens. One of mine was half dead when I got it. I didn't realize it at first, but when the others were pecking at her and she was leaning up against the box with her eyes half closed I figured that couldn't be good. I put her in her own little box with food and water and she seems to be doing a little better. She is eating and not just leaning against the side so I guess that's good. It will shock me if she survives. They are really noisy!! They are clear across the house and I can still hear their chirping. Gonna have to work on that. Brandon, my BIL offered to come help out with the coyotes. We'll see how that goes. My other two chicks are fattening right up. I swear the are noticeably bigger every day! I love having my own little farm....Glade, not so much.

Tonight we are going to dinner with friends. We haven't spent time with this group in awhile so it should be fun. Tomorrow is crazy Halloween. I was going to dress up, but can't think of anything not too elaborate that I already have stuff for. Guess it's boring this year.

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