Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The world keeps spinning

Some days I just want to get off the ride and take a break. It seems like lately there are no breaks. Sure, I can take one, but then I'm just more behind than I was. My eye was twitching for almost 5 straight days and finally stopped. I'm guessing stress and fatigue. Katy doesn't ever sleep through the night anymore. We are having severe potty training set backs. Part of me thinks I should start from the beginning with potty treats, but then there's the part of me who knows she can do it and wants to just spank her little wet rear.

The coyotes are up one on me. They got into my coup and ate two chicks. I have devised a plan to get rid of them, but it will take just a little while, hopefully the other two will be safe until then. We are going to build a little pen around the coup so we can accommodate a few more bigger chickens and hopefully a little safer environment for them.

The whole "world spinning" thing makes some days a blur. I can't remember Monday at all, Tuesday is always crazy, getting ready for Pack Meeting, which went OK. Low turnout, but still fun I think. Didn't end up on the treadmill after that, just too tired.

Today I spent the morning running errands with the kids. Katy is more than a handful, two or three actually. I've never had such a strong willed kid who would fight against me so much. She really tries my patience. I scored at Fry's and then went to lunch with my mom. At Johnny Rockets, the kids eat free if they are in costume, so we went. Ran to Kirklands for some candle holders that were on sale and then home. I was READY to be at home by then. Katy went straight into my bed and fell asleep. Maybe if she would sleep through the night, she wouldn't be so tired and then so rotten all morning!

Kids have play practice tonight, choir concert tomorrow, date night Friday, then the big day Saturday (Halloween), football starts on Monday and my 20 year reunion is next weekend. See what I mean....just keeps spinning. In the words of someone else...wo is me. I'm really trying to just take a day at a time and enjoy that day without stressing about what's coming up.

Tidbits - I drove by a sign today that said "Drive Through Prayer Stand". Weird, I looked for it but couldn't see it. Interesting idea.

Yesterday I bought some hot dogs to help with the coyotes and held them up to show one of the kids and while doing so, I announced "Laurie Vs. Coyotes". Later, Bo was looking at the package and while following along with his finger, he slowly "read" "Mommy versus the coyotes". He's great. His Halloween party is tomorrow and he is beyond excited. I don't know if I have ever mentioned his computer addiction, but it's bad. All he thinks about. Yesterday at the dollar store, he got this little plastic bow and arrow set. The arrows are sticks with suction cups on the end. I haven't been able to get the kid in the house. I even offered some computer time because I couldn't keep watching him and he turned me down. I guess it just takes the right interest.


Leslie said...

I think I'm on the same crazy spinning ride you're on. Just no end in sight, and the holidays are just beginning. My house is a wreck and I can't seem to get a handle on anything. Two days ago I told Christian I should be fired from my job. If only...

Lulu said...

ha ha- I got the 'wo is me' award at girls camp one year and havent shaken it yet! Whats with the hot dogs?