Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sandy Hook School Shooting

This was a horrific horrific tragedy for our country.  I won't go on an on about it because it's truly incomprehensible.  A young twenty something man went to his mother's home and shot her with guns he had stolen from her home.  He then proceeded to go to a local elementary school in Newtown, CT and kill 28 people.  Most of which were first grade children.  My heart just ached for those families who sent their precious little ones off to school only to find them dead and bloody just hours later.  

This all  happened while I was back in Illinois.  The hardest part for me was that I couldn't hug my own little ones.  I wanted so badly just to hold them and kiss them, but was miles and miles away.  The reality is that it could have been anyone's little ones.  There's no guarantee that won't happen at my kids school.  Lots of criticism was being tossed around about security measures, but nothing is going to stop a determined crazy with semi automatic weapons.  I don't care about your buzzer system.  

Sometimes I let my own thoughts torture me.  To try and imagine what it must have been like for those who endured this massacre   Imagine my sweet little dimpled Katy being horrified and helpless at the mercy of someone so evil.  It's just heartbreaking and sickening.  

The only thing that can ease my heart is the knowledge that those babies are in the arms of their Father in Heaven.  They were so sweet and perfect that they are guaranteed a place in Heaven for the eternities.  I don't worry about them at all.  I ache for their families left here to miss them.  To mourn them.  To spend Christmas with their unopened gifts under the tree.  Truly truly devastating.  But I also believe that there were angels there that day.  They couldn't stop the madness, but they could be with those innocent ones who were victims.  I don't believe God would leave them alone at a time like that.  

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