Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas Program

The elementary kids had their program right after I got back into town.  This is the first year this school has been open so I give them a little "pass" on how all this went down.  They didn't let kindergarten participate at all which was a little disappointing.  Bo's class was very first and Dalin's very last.  That makes for a very long two hours in a chair not designed for an adult.  They should have combined classes instead of every grade having three songs, but the stage would have been too small.  With that said, it was still cute.

Dalin had mentioned that he had a little solo part, but made it seem pretty insignificant so I was not prepared to video his performance.  My bad!!  He was so awesome.  One of their songs was a Christmas Rap and Dalin got the only solo (he was the only one that auditioned) that went something like "My name is Rudolph with the bright red nose!"  Let me just say.. Gangsta.  I know I'm biased, but seriously, he was so great.  Many children would have walked forward and mumbled something nervously, but not my kid.  He walked right to the center of the stage and with his booming voice and gangsta gestures let everyone know he was "Rudolph with the bright red nose".  I was so sad I missed it.  Then he went back to his place on the risers and continued on busting moves even though no one else was.  There's no apprehension with this one.  I love it.

 You can see him leaned to the side while everyone else is standing straight.  That's because he was groovin along without a care in the world.

Go Rudolph!!

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