Friday, January 4, 2013

Going Home

Mom and I made a trip back to see family in Illinois this Christmas.  I always look forward to that time.  It's so great to get to know my family again and not worry about entertaining my children and worrying about their needs.  I arrived on Thursday night where I was treated with my favorite sausage and potato pizza from Pizza Joint.  Yum!!  The next morning we just chilled and ran to the store to get a few things for the party that night.  We came home to awful news about a school shooting that I will post separately about later.  What an awful day.  

That night, my dad's family all came for dinner.  Jo Anne had outdone herself with the food!!  She's amazing. Everyone came and it was so nice to just chat and catch up with everyone.  I wasn't that close to my cousins growing up so it's nice to have them now.  

 Me, Dad and sister Sherri

 Me, Dad and JoAnne

Grandpa Joe

The next morning I got up and around and headed to my Gramma B's house.  Oh how I miss her!!  We went over to Lisa's for the family party with my Mom's side.  Again, almost everyone came out to see us.  We had an awesome lunch and played the white elephant gift exchange.  It rained a bit this day, but they were having unseasonably warm weather, go figure.  I barely even wore a jacket.

 Me and Gramma B.

After the party, we went back to Gram's house to play a little Eucher.  While waiting for Vickie, we had a nice talk about Grandma's life and her family, I love to get to know all the little stuff about her. Vickie came and we ended up playing cards till midnight.  Let me just say... laugh till you cry.  That's what we did.  "you could make a cheeseball out of it!!"  Fun times!!

Sunday morning came and it was time to go home.  We were going to go see Polar Express, but it stopped showing the day I got there.  Instead Dad, Jo and I went to lunch and then did a little shopping.  That's when I got this
It opens up and Santa is inside!!  I'm very spoiled and also very grateful, Thanks Jo ♥

We still had a little time before we went to the airport so we went to visit Grandpa Joe.  Again I got to hear stories from the past.  I wish there was an easier way to record all of that so I had it forever.  

The plane ride home was awful.  Mom and I finagled to get seats together and then chatty Cathy next to mom talked the whole time.  No biggie, I was tired anyway.  Oh wait, drunk guy in the row over was LOUD!  Seriously, people complained and the stewardess even asked him to be quiet a few times.  He didn't care, just made him louder.  Kept saying rude things like "get naked on the plane!"  Then when it would get quiet and he couldn't think of anything to say, he would start "ho ho" ing this awful laugh.  I wanted to kill him.  Not even my headphones with music could drown him out.  

I absolutely LOVE my family.  Both of them and I'm so grateful I get to share these times with them.  But on the way home, I was listening to the song "I'll be home for Christmas" and I got a little emotional about seeing my little family again.  That's really my home, where they are.  

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