Monday, January 21, 2013

MLK Day - MajorLy Krazy Day

No school today!!  That means I sleep in till I feel like getting up.  THAT's a good start!  Yesterday was such an awesome day at church that I had planned an emergency FHE for this morning.  So I got everyone up and let them eat, then discussed all the wonderful things I had going on in my head.  That'll be a separate post.  It went really well and hopefully will be memorable for the kids.   I had made Visiting Teaching appointments because I didn't realize there wasn't any school, but we went ahead and did the visits anyway, thanks girls for being accommodating!

I had promised the kids a movie when I was done, so they were dressed and ready when I got home. We were really pushing time, but were going to give it a try anyway.  When I had started driving the van earlier, I had heard a weird clicking noise by the front left tire that kinda concerned me.  I had briefly looked at it, but didn't see anything right off that could be making it.  Before we headed to the movies, I checked one more time and noticed it was very wet by one tire but not the other.  As I drove along, I started to get a little panicky that something might really be wrong if a hose of some sort had come off and was spraying fluid everywhere.  If I stop at all, we totally will miss the movie.  I decided the safety of my children was more important, so I dropped them at a Taco Bell that was right next to a Big O Tire and went to have them look at it.

The guy looked and couldn't find anything loose.  The wetness was caused from a leaky coolant cap, no big deal really.  So the young guy and I went for a little spin so he could hear the noise.  Yep, he heard it.  As we got back to the store, he rolled down the window to get a better listen and see what he could see.  He immediately said he thought he knew what the problem was.  He couldn't believe it could be the cause, BUT... there was a long piece of duct tape hanging from my headlight.  It seemed to coincided with the clicking noise as it flapped against the side of the van.  Really??  Grrrr.. So happy it wasn't serious, but really, duct tape?  We had a small laugh, I thanked him for his time and as I started to pull away I thought I knew a guy standing on the sidewalk waiting for his car.  I brazenly asked his name and sure enough, it was the guy who taught our Sunday school class yesterday that so inspired me and gave me such Hope that I had an emergency FHE.  I was able to tell him how much I loved his comments and how grateful I was for his lesson.  Made me so happy to have that opportunity.

I went and got my kids from Taco Bell and made a beeline for the theater.  We were very late, but the kids still wanted to go see the movie.  We needed 5 seats, they had 4.  Hmmm.  Well I guess we'll all see the other movie together, nope..only 2 seats available.  Just not our day.  So I sorta snuck in and got our free popcorn and left for Plan B.

There's a new store called WynCo that everyone raves about.  So we decided to see what the fuss was about.  Not worth the craziness.  Some things were cheap, but not a whole lot.  And the people that shop there are even crazier/rude.  I can't think I would go back.  We left with some corn and apples.  We still had a couple hours till Stephen needed to be to work so since I was half way there, we ventured to the scout store.  It's kind of a really long ways away.

I'm newly a merit badge counselor and wanted to get these pamphlets that would be mucho helpful, so now was my chance.  They were $5 a piece!  I was needing about 10 of them but no way was I paying $50 for that.  Just one more thorn in my side from the BSA. So I bought one and a slide for Bo.  What a waste of my time and gas.  Oh, and as we pulled up to the scout shop, Dalin got out and puked.  Apparently his Taco Bell and movie popcorn along with the long drive weren't sitting well with him.

Stephen decides he wants to conquer the freeway and drive home.  We all buckled up and prayed and started for home.  I'm sure a dashboard camera would provide many a good laugh at my expressions as I feared for my life.  Holy crap... That's all I'll say for now.  We weren't 4 miles from home when Dalin starts making noises from the back.  He can't hold it any longer, he needs to pee.  So we pull into a semi quiet business complex and I tell him to try and find a bush or something sorta private.  Tacky, I know.  He takes off running through a wide open vacant lot heading straight for the main intersection.  Seriously, the kid probably ran a quarter of a mile!  We were all in the van laughing till we cried as we watched him running while holding himself straight towards the busy intersection.  What he saw that we didn't was that there was a small wall with some plants right before you get to the street.  Never mind all the walls and ditches and bushes  right outside the van.  We giggled so hard watching that kid run.  When he got back in the car and we started asking him why he did that, he simply said " I don't give a care, I'm FREE!"  That's my Dalin.

We made it home just in time to get Bo to piano and Stephen to work.  I made dinner and we all sat down to watch Odd Life of Timothy Green, which I loved just as much as the first time.  We finished the day with some ice cream and our new tradition of watching the Biggest Loser every Monday night.  I love that my kids love it.  As we were eating dinner, Rhett commented to Nick's friend that white rice wasn't really very healthy for you.. you should eat brown.  Awesome.

I didn't get my running in, or paperwork, or see a movie or get the scout stuff I wanted.  We spent way too much time in the car and wasted a ton of gas, spent nearly four hours on our rears in front of the TV and all went to bed with smiles on our faces and visions of Dalin running through an open lot.  Some days don't go anything like you planned, but end up pretty darn great anyway.

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