Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stephen's Birthday

Stephen turned 15 on Tuesday. Yesterday I took him to spend some of his birthday money. What a different experience to go shoe and clothes shopping instead of toy shopping. He wanted a pair of Vans, some jeans and some cologne. He got all of the above along with a nifty new button up shirt that looks too gangster for my taste. He's pretty easy to please so it's fun to go with him.

Yesterday I also was inflicted with a serious sneeze attack that has lasted about 15 hours now. It was really bad last night as I was at Ultimate Frisbee with the young women. It started to become humorous how much I was sneezing. I even had to use Whitley's shirt (she had changed) to sneeze into and blow my nose. She was a little grossed out by that, but what's a girl to do? I had even taken an allergy pill but took another when I got home. Still, it was a restless night of sleep with all the sneezing and congestion. Today my throat is even a little sore, but not too bad.

I had determined to run this morning, but Glade was up late irrigating and wanted to sleep in. I swear every time I decide to run on the treadmill, he has a rough night and sleeps through the morning. The treadmill is in our room so it wouldn't be very nice for me to get on it! I was diligent though and did a workout DVD instead. I'm sure I'll be sore again tomorrow, but I really want to do more than run so it's all good. I think I'm going to start an exercise group for the summer to help keep me motivated.

Tonight is our first Annie rehearsal. Here we go again!!

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