Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The whirlwind of Hairspray has finally come to an end. I will get a few more pics posted soon. If I didn't have kids and family, I could do that regularly. So much fun to perform with so many great people. BUT, I do have a family and they missed me. They didn't say as much, but I can tell! First, by the crankiness of my little ones who went without structure or parental guidance or a normal bedtime for three weeks. It's definitely showing. I have no idea if my big kids have done a lick of homework. I have a huge pink nail polish stain in my living room, courtesy of Katy, and the 12 loads of laundry I did yesterday was a sure sign!

With a little post-play sorrow, we move on with reality. My very first day was spent doing laundry. Lots of laundry. I didn't get dressed or brush my teeth or anything all day! We weren't scheduled to have mutual so my plan was to continue on into the night in the same manner. That's when reality hit me, Pack Meeting. Dang! So I showered and brushed and put clothes on and went to support Dalin at scouts. Another night away. I was home by 7 so it wasn't too bad. While I was gone, my sweet little Bo did the unthinkable.

I have decided to put the Wii away for an undetermined amount of time to have my kids remember that there is life outside of the Wii. This was quite a blow to a few of them. Namely, Bo. While I was gone, he tried to get it out of the box and hook it up. Luckily, his plan was thwarted by an older brother who stopped him and ratted him out. I had all intentions of spanking his video game addicted little booty until a few moments before the actual deed. I was talking to him about honesty and who he has become (sneaky little devil), when his little head dropped and his lip started quivering and the sobbing began. Hmmm, all it took was a little "I'm so disappointed in you" speech and he was devastated. Now, he had no idea I was going to spank him so he wasn't just playing me. I did, however, let him know that if he didn't turn it would get involved. When I explained a Daddy spanking to him, his eyes got big and he went a little pale. Hopefully that will be enough for him. He spent the rest of the night cuddled by my side.

Glade's sister Joy, who has been sick most of her life, is back in the hospital. Things are not looking good for her right now. She appears to be making the decision to let things run there course and be done with this struggle she has been facing her whole life. As sad as that is, and as hard of a decision as that would have to be, I would be so happy for her. I can't remember the last time I saw her happy and truly enjoying life. What a blessing it will be for her to rid herself of that body and be free from her pain. The knowledge that I will see her again makes it bearable to let her go. She has endured more than anyone I personally know and I admire her so much for it. We love you Joy!

I'm trying to kick my brain back into reality with so many events coming up: Easter, Mother's Day, end of the year concerts, etc. I haven't given any of it a single thought. I'm starting with the basics.. a menu for next week and an actual shopping list. It's been so long. I honestly don't know where this last 4 months have gone. How can it be the end of the school year already??

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