Friday, April 8, 2011

Don't get Your Britches in a Bundle!

I think we have all heard some version of this reprimand doled out to people who are impatient or having a little too much anxiety, but does anyone really know what that means?? *hand waving wildly* "pick me! pick me! I know!!"

WELL, at last nights performance my tights (which are an evil devise all in of themselves) were twisted just enough to bug me. I tried the "leave 'em alone and they'll quit bugging you" routine. Didn't work. I tried readjusting, but everytime I readjusted, they felt a new sort of weird. By the end of the night I was doing all sorts of unladylike stuff trying to get my tights to feel right. AND by the end of the night, I was a little impatient, grouchy and having a little anxiety. I just wanted to rip those friggin things off!!! Now I have a pretty solid understanding of why people tell you not to get your britches in a bundle.....


Tina said...

Laurie, you crack me up. Good thing you didn't live in the day of nylons and girdles. Heaven forbid you were born in the era when women were literally pushed up and "laced" in.

Leslie said...

What a great mental image...not! ;)