Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Annie and Magic

Yesterday Chelsey and I went to hang out with Mom since Chels hasn't seen her the last few times she has been here. While there, I got a phone call from one of my Visiting Teachers....oops...I totally dogged them. I can't believe I forgot. After we left Mom's, we went to do a little shopping and get lunch. Chelsey drove the blue car back to Flagstaff that afternoon. We figured that was more practical since she will want to come down for the funeral, which will probably be next week sometime.

After scouts, I took Dalin and Brooklyn to McDonalds to have a talk with them. Each kid has gotten this same experience but it kills me every time. They were highly suspicious as to why I would be taking them and not just for ice cream, but actual dinner! For the protection of anyone who may be younger than I think, I'll just say this about the talk. They have now entered reality and come to play on my team regarding childhood magic. It's always so sad to me, but I feel it's better than other situations that could arise. Dalin had a few tears, I think he's the only one that's ever happened to. Once that was past, we had fun talking about all the behind the scenes stuff and answering questions they had. Always breaks my heart.

We got Annie!! It appears as if we all made the play again. Glade is Jimmy Johnson (not sure what that means, but it's part of ensemble), Brooklyn is an ensemble orphan named Peggy, Dalin is a newsie named Sneaks and Stephen and I are ensemble. The cast is actually quite large for what I was expecting. I'm glad they let us all come again, hopefully it will be as rewarding as Hairspray was.


Dacia said...

I can't wait to see Annie!

Leslie said...

I thought you were talking to them about the birds and the bees, with it being spring and all. ;)

Congrats on Annie!

Jake and Jenny said...

It's the let's make things easier for Mom talk, right? Easter etc? Yeah, I am glad you are all in the play again. It gives us a great reason to come see it!

Shelli said...

He cried because he is too young!! If he ruins it for David you are dead!