Friday, April 8, 2011

More Hairspray

So we've made it through 3 performances now and it's been so fun! Last night was our understudy performance. Because mom had extra tickets they wouldn't refund, she came again for this show and brought Dalin with her. He had called and asked if she would take him again and even told me he would use his own money. Lucky for him, we had him covered. Katy also requested to go a second time but informed me that I "would have to buy her a new ticket, her other one was sold." She lucked out that we just snuck her through the cast door. Turns out to be a good thing to not have paid for a seat for her. She spent much of the night dancing in the isle and entertaining our audience. A sweet friend of mine took these pictures for us. Thanks Wendy!!

This is right before the Big Doll House number. I'm in the brown dress if you couldn't tell! Ü

I'm on the far left side as a Pinkie in Welcome to the 60's.

Miss Whitley in the pink dress during Hairspray

This is where it gets good. Glade as Wilbur dancing with his "wife" in You're Timeless to Me.

I love love love this picture!!

Whitley with "Link"

Hey, that's MY man!

Another of Whitley and Stephen is right next to her pointing at you.

Hopefully I can get a few more if Chelsey comes down this weekend to see the play. Only 4 more shows!!


Tammy said...

We will be there tonight! I am so excited to see it. It is a little weird to have someone else play the role of your husband's wife (or love interest) isn't it? Hello Dolly was my first experience with that. See you tonight!

Heather said...

You got some good pictures. What great memories for your family.