Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Do you ever just have times that you feel like you want to explode? I mean like your insides are about to burst through your skin, but you aren't sure why? That's me for the last few weeks. It doesn't even matter which emotion, all of them, on extreme mode. If I'm happy, I'm so happy I cry. If I'm irritated, it's so much so that I feel like I'm on fire. Sometimes even boredom goes to extreme where I feel like I need to burst if I don't do something. Totally weird. I'm trying to stay mellow about all of it, but it's just a weird feeling.

Right now I'm itchy to run. No big deal, right? Well about 10 days ago I was running and pulled something in my hip. It's still painful to move it like running. Lots of other things don't hurt it, I rode the bike yesterday, but running does. I just want it better. The temptation to just try it anyway is so great. I know it will only delay it, but it's killing me!

I could make quite a long list of things I'm just too antsy to wait for. I've never been a patient person, but right now.....I'm really bad! During my traffic school, she was pointing out that sitting and waiting for a red light is usually less than a minute and how relevant is one minute in our daily routines. I wanted to shout at her "Do you know how painful it is to sit there doing nothing for the whole minute when you could be another mile down the road???" See, I'm out of control. What to do, What to do? I'm thinking massage.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Oh Laurie, I knew there was a reason I like you! I am the exact same way. "I'm in a hurry to get things done, oh I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I got to do is live and die, but I'm in a hurry and don't know why." Yeah, that has been my theme song for a long time! It drives my poor calm, take your time with everything husband crazy. There is a lot we can get done in that minute! Hello! Although for that massage, take as many minutes as you'd like!!!