Sunday, November 3, 2013

Nick's Halloween

You won't find any pics of Nick this Halloween.  We have had a rough time with him lately.  That afternoon I got a call from the school letting me know they had Nick in the office and he had pot on him.  They were calling the police and would let me know what happens.  I, of course, was sick. I thought we were past this.  Lately I have given him the lecture about "growing up" and him needing to be responsible for himself and that I was done babysitting him.  In that same spirit, I chose not to go to the school to hold his hand during this process.  Apparently the police don't have the "time or manpower" to actually take him to jail so they did what was called a "charge and release".  He will be charged as an adult and because of this his previous incident with the narcotics, will now leave two felonies on his record.  Most likely they will end up fining him and reducing it to misdemeanors. We'll see.  He's expelled from school, so the cops brought him home and explained things to me.  I'm upset they didn't take him to jail.  Maybe if someone made a big deal out of it, some of these kids would think twice.  Anyway, I took him upstairs and sat while he packed his bag. Glade was on his way home as well.  Once Glade had a long talk with him, he took him and his things to McDonalds, where he works, and dropped him off.  Heartbreaking, but necessary.  We left him with the assurance that we love him and that we are still his family and he is welcome to visit, but he can't live here.

He has no clue what he has just done to his future.  I honestly cannot understand why this continues to be a problem for him.  I do know that we have done everything we know how and have forgiven and given second chances as much as we are able.  At this point, it's just time for him to figure it out on his own.  Glade texted him and he said he has a place to stay for now and is working on getting a 2nd job.  We don't know where he's staying but I can't image its with good people.  I'm not sure the reality of him not being around has truly hit yet.  We'll see what happens in the next few months.

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