Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Shop till you Drop!

Yesterday Mom and I decided to knock out every last little thing we still had to do. We started about 9:30 and thought we could get it all done by noon and maybe catch a movie. No such luck. We didn't finish until almost 7 pm. We breaked long enough to have lunch and then went right back to it. Our struggle was finding something for an awkward aged girl who is too big for toys and not big enough to enjoy big girl stuff. Once we decided on what to get, we couldn't find it anywhere! We were seriously dragging by afternoon. I'm happy to report we did accomplish what we needed! Hopefully I will not have to do ANY more shopping before Christmas. I was very ready for bed!!

My kids did great being alone all day and Glade was even home before I was. I did a little wrapping and then hit the hay. It's gonna be a great Christmas!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I wish I were you today....all done! Good for you and congrats and getting it done.