Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gila Valley Temple Dedication

Today was the dedication of the Gila Valley Temple. We took four of our kids with us while three stayed behind to watch Bo and Katy since they were too little to come. The other three went to the next session. We got there an hour early and got a bench front and center, nice. While waiting for it to start, soft music was played and they showed pictures of rooms inside the temple and those of other temples. Even just seeing the rooms brings back the peaceful feelings of being inside the temple. I'm sure you've noticed that my emotions have been a little on the surface lately and today was no different. I looked around at the people sitting around me, some I knew, some I didn't. But what I did know, was that I loved them all. Some that you might even consider a little kooky or "off", I just love them. Then, shortly before it started, our Stake Presidency walked in and started toward the front. They stopped briefly to confer about something and at that moment, I was so in awe of these three men. How I loved them! These are men of God and it's evident when looking at them that that is true. How blessed am I to be under their guidance and care.

The dedication started and I was excited to see that President Monson, our prophet was there. One of the first things they did was to go seal up a "time capsule" of sorts in the side of the temple. They had many people come and apply a little mortar around the edges of the tile. President Monson was very funny and light hearted. It surprised me at first, and then I remembered some of the things I had read about Joseph Smith. Some didn't approve of the fact that he was fun and light hearted. He liked to play in the yard with kids and would joke around with them. I'm sure he and Pres. Monson would have gotten along famously. Once they were done, before they headed back inside, the choir started to sing "We Thank Thee, Oh God, For a Prophet". To my complete and utter surprise, tears immediately started rolling down my cheeks. I hadn't planned for this and had to use my clean white hankie to dab my face. What a wonderful start!

I truly thank thee, Oh God, for this prophet, Thomas S. Monson. How I love him!

The rest of the dedication was nice. I was saddened a little by the way Pres. Monson repeated himself so many times. A normal sign of aging, but also an indicator that he may not be with us as long as I would like. In reading the Work and the Glory (just finished book 7), I have come to feel like I have some weird bond with the pioneers. I have read in detail some accounts of early temples being dedicated and what an amazing work this is and how far it has come. How many evil influences have tried to deter the work, and yet how it still goes forth with such power. I was grateful to have been able to participate in the activities today and to feel the unspeakable joy of knowing what I know.


Krista Darrach said...

That's awesome. Thanks for posting this. I obviously missed it. But at least there will two others that hopefully I will get to see.

Jake and Jenny said...

What a special experience it was, thanks for your thoughts. Hey, was I one of the kooky ones you were talking about, Hee! Hee!