Monday, October 29, 2012

Do You Run?

I ran six miles the other day!  And in a fairly decent time as well.  Was feeling pretty good about myself I must say.Ü  Until.....  I went to a Famous store that sells Footwear to buy a new pair of running shoes.  Buying new shoes is always a stressful thing.  You can't really know if you are going to like them until you actually run in them and then it's too late to return them if you don't.  Well, I was minding my own business when the worker girl came over and asked if I needed anything.  First let me just say, if I need something I will come ask you!!  No, I'm fine.  But you gotta kind of tell them what your doing as they hover over you.  When I mentioned something about running, don't even know what I said, but her reaction I cannot forget.  She says to me "Do you run?"  with her eyebrows raised.  Uh, yes?  Now I'm feeling like a turd on a rock in the bright sunshine.  I reply something like this "yes, well sort of.. I mean... I used to run a lot better, but I got hurt, so I'm not that good.. I guess I really don't need that good of shoes..."  I left... with no shoes.

I went somewhere else where the employees were not rude and insulting and bought myself a new pair of shoes.  I know I'm old, and overweight and do not LOOK like a runner.  I wouldn't even go so far as to call myself a runner, but I DO run.  Maybe in the future, Miss Rudebottom, you should humor me and act like I look exactly like a runner and maybe I would have bought some shoes from you.  And I wouldn't have felt like a schmuck all day.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

That is exactly why I still do not have a pair of good running shoes. I need them, but I cannot bring myself to go into one of those stores knowing what people are thinking of the way I look. Sorry that happened to you.

Just so you inspire me. You always have! You are definitely a runner in my book!