Sunday, October 21, 2012

Marathon Saturday

5:10 Brooklyn and Rhett get up to get ready for their events.  Rhett had a race and Brooklyn had a Temple walk.  The Young Women in our ward hiked from the San Tan mountains to the new Temple in Gilbert, roughly 13.2 miles.  Good thing she has been training in cross country!  She did really well and made it the whole way.  I believe they got there right around noon.

5:45 get out of bed to get ready for Rhett's race in Glendale.  That's over an hour away.. a really long way for a 20 min race, but he's worth it!  I rode with Mom and we used GPS to get us there, only it took us 8 miles farther than we needed to go so we almost missed the start of the race.  We got there just in time to let him know we were there.  He wasn't feeling well the night before so I wanted to see how he was this morning.  Said he felt mostly good.  This wasn't a race you could see them along the path so we pretty much just had to wait at the finish line to see how he did.  Because the same kids race most the time, you kinda know when to expect him to come in.  The last time he ran this course, he came in 30th with a 23 something time.  Today he was 20th with a PR of 21:25.  Awesome!!  I hate that the finish is so anticlimactic. He is among the first 3 of his team to finish so there isn't anyone really to welcome him in.  Then we always have to leave right away because he has to get to play practice.  Kinda sad for him, BUT the price you pay for being so multi talented.

7:00 Stephen and Nick leave to go support the YW on their walk. They made signs of encouragement and helped to provide them with snacks and drinks along the way.

8:30 Bo and Dalin leave for Glee rehearsal

9:15 heading home from the race, pick up Nick and Stephen to get them to their next event.

10:15 drop Nick off at the kids school to help Glade with the Spinny Thing.  Bo's class had a booth for the carnival but they cancelled on them 2 days before so we offered to let them use the Spinny Thing as their booth.  Glade and Nick spent the next 3 hours spinning it.  Katy got to go with them since there was no one left at home to watch her.  She spent the whole day outside at the carnival and has the sunburn to prove it.

10:30 Start Glee rehearsal with my groups.  Dalin and  Bo still had practice in another room and  Rhett and  Stephen both had Mermaid practice from 11 - 2.  We ended at noon so I took Dalin and Bo to grab a pizza and some cupcakes (supposed to be donuts but Glade forgot to bring them home) to give to Katy's class for their cake walk and then off to the carnival.  I went to give the cupcakes to her teacher but the teacher said they had an overload but I could just leave them in her room.  I told her I would like to keep them since I was also asked to bring a treat to a baptism later that day as well and hadn't had time to make anything.  Worked out perfect! I checked on Glade and Nick, divvied up game tickets and headed back to pick up Stephen and Rhett.

1:45 Brought Rhett and Stephen to the carnival and spent the next hour and a half chilling there.  The kids had a great time and Nick and Glade got some relief from Stephen and our great friend Jake who both came to help spin.  While at the carnival, I bought 10 raffle tickets for $5 and put them in a few jars of some things I wouldn't mind winning.  I'm always suckered in to the "maybe I'll actually be the winner this time!".  Glade had to leave at 3 to get ready for the baptism he was speaking at and I left about 20 minutes later taking all my sticky, sweaty kids home.  Nick and Jake stayed to Spin.  Stephen left with Glade since he had to work at 4.

2:00 Brooklyn calls and says she's home from the walk and had an awesome time but that it was hard and she was really tired.

3:45 Had enough time at home to clean up, put on a dress and head to the baptism.  Took my Hello Kitty cupcakes with me and enjoyed a very beautiful occasion for a woman who works with some friends of ours. So happy for her.  Glade did an awesome job with his talk and it was nice to just sit in the cool, quiet church for an hour.

4:45 Checked my phone, which had been on silent and saw that I had 4 missed calls.  I didn't recognize one of the numbers and it had called 3 times.  I called it back and it was a woman from the school telling me I had won a few things in the raffle!  She didn't remember what but said she left me messages.  I called them and found out I had won a $45 gift card to a salon/spa and 4 entries to this fall festival thing. I actually think I won 2 sets of those, but my messages were a little garbled so I won't know till Monday when I go pick it all up. I never win!!!  This was a crazy fun thing to actually be the winner. ♥

5:20 Ran home just long enough to change back into street clothes, say "hey" to the kids who were crashed all over my living room, notice the pile of feathers from my now dead chicken and head back out for a dinner date with friends.  First we had to go pick up the Spinny Thing (which is no small ordeal) and then went to a friends fundraiser dinner to enjoy scones with some of our bestest friends.  I love that it doesn't matter what we do, but that it's always a great time when we get together.

8:00 Rhett leaves for his costume themed Stake Dance with our neighbors

9:00 Arrived home after getting ice cream with our friends, tucked in my exhausted little ones and fell into my waiting bed.

9:45 Get phone call saying Stephen is ready to be picked up, thank goodness for Glade!

10:45 get woken up by Rhett ringing the doorbell because we forgot he was gone and locked him out of the house.  Decided in a groggy, half asleep state of mind that we must have had too many children since I can't even remember where they all happen to be.

You may have noticed no report of Whitley here.  Well, she spent the day in her dating bliss hanging out with her boyfriend.  I guess that's just the way of it these days.

My main goal on days like these is to try to enjoy the thing I'm doing and not just stress through each thing worrying about the next thing on the list. I think I did pretty good. Ü  Funny how so many things can get scheduled on the same day.  Lots of good things and some pretty good memories, can't complain about that.

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