Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fall Break at the Cabin

We had very last minute and tentative plans to trip up to Utah for conference, but it just wasn't meant to be.  But now my mind was in gear for getting out of this hot hellish place for the week.  I was determined to go to Utah for the week anyway.  Then Stephen got a job interview for Wednesday so now there wasn't time to get that far.  Camping??  I must go somewhere!!  I had a fleeting thought about the cabin we went to a few years ago.. the snowed in with no water or electricity cabin.  I had Chelsey make a call, it's her friends cabin, and sure enough..available.  Only for two nights though and one was Sunday.  Jenny agreed to come with me so we decided to leave after dinner Sunday.  The ride up was uneventful and the kids were all crazy when we first got there.  Bo somehow turned on the heater so we were trying to get that off ASAP.  The cabin has 4 bedrooms so pretty much everyone got a bed of some kind.  

The following two days we hiked a little, got some runs in and of course the boys explored the forest around us.  We played board games, watched a few movies, went to the park in town and ate TONS of crap. The weather was beautiful and the nights were quite cool.  Everyone got a long really well and we managed to get through with no serious injuries.  That's quite an accomplishment if you were to have witnessed the rock hills, knife throwing, stair sliding, etc that goes on when there's a house full of boys!

We stayed till about dinner time on Tuesday then headed to Payson for some Taco Bell.  All seemed to be well at this point.  I guess it was a rough trip through the mountains cuz shortly before coming into town.  Tessa told us she needed to throw up.  She used a Kohl's bag we had laying around.  Poor thing.  Then Bo said he was going to puke, then Dalin and Katy followed with their threats.  Dalin actually followed through and we were able to get him a bag in time.  Katy just cried saying her throat hurt.  By now it smelled awful and everyone was freaking out.  There's wasn't anything I could do until we got to town.  There's a CVS right as you come past Ussery so we pulled into the parking lot and everyone bailed.  As Dalin was getting out, he discovered his bag had a hole in it and it was leaking.  In his panic, he swung it around a bit and now it was all over Kimball's leg and lots of the bedding.  Oh the smell.

I ran in and bought wipes and gum while Jenny frantically tried to save what she could.  I'm sure we were a sight.  I do NOT clean up puke so she, unfortunately, got that job.  My shame was not enough to overpower my gag reflex.  After cleaning up what we could, we got everyone back in, tried to spray some scented stuff and rode with the windows down for a while.  Quite a memorable ending to our little vacay.

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