Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cross Country Update

 Last Saturday Rhett and Brooklyn ran their first actual "cross country" meet.  By that I mean, it was on really rough terrain with a lot of ups and downs.  It was really challenging.

The Start Line.  We warned Rhett not to worry about his time because it definitely wouldn't be his fastest with all the hills and terrain.  He can get discouraged easily and this was his first run since the Twilight race where he ran his 21 something.

 This is one of the hills, and not even the worst.  See the people down there?  There was one spot where it was pretty steep and super loose gravel.  I felt bad for them.

 First lap around, 16th place

 Coming down the homestretch.  Because of the steepness of the hill at the finish line, they had to put up barriers to slow them down.

 Done!  He finished 18th, and had his second best time!  Whoa, I couldn't hardly believe it.  He said his calves were killing him, thought he pulled a muscle. I assured him it was the hills making them hurt.  He killed it.
 Brooklyn at the start line

 I had to leave to get Rhett to play practice so I didn't get to see Brooklyn run.  Good 'ole Grandma got some pictures though.  I was really worried about her because she struggles to finish on a flat surface, this was going to be really tough for her.

 She did it!!  It wasn't fast and there were two girls behind her, but she finished.  I was very proud of her!

See our good friends there cheering her on?  I love our friends!!

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