Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

I'm having visions and it's giving me anxiety!  After having the first real nap I've had since the kids have been out of school (Whitley took everyone to the pool so it was SO quiet), I got up and started puttering around.  While putting some groceries away I started seeing myself organizing different things, canning apples, snuggling on the porch swing in a blanket, running...ahhh...running, serving hot, complete meals, kissing good smelling heads goodnight, gushing over my coupon savings, watching the cold rain... oh the life I would so love to have right now.  But it's not yet meant to be.  I'm sure I feel just like the kids do on Christmas Eve day, just get here already!!  I can't possibly wait one more minute!!  But the clock ticks on.  The heat engulfs.  The thoughts tantalize.  So, in my quiet moment of "I just want to do something!", I sat my butt on the couch and began to watch an episode of Friends.  I haven't seen that in years!  I guess this was an Ok way to waste away the time.  Oh wait... the kids are home.  The noise has returned and the TV is switched back to channel 8.  My sublime moment of fantasy has ended.  I guess I'll check the freezer to see what's for dinner.