Friday, May 9, 2014


Or Catch up, whatever.  I'm not sure there's anything to really even catch up on.  I can't believe two whole weeks have flown by since the CALL.  We've returned and rebought stuff.  Filled out paperwork.  Laughed, cried, fought.  There's just so much.  He's still trying to finish high school and since he's let his grades slide this last semester ( by slide I mean avalanche), he doesn't have any wiggle room.  He has to do well or he won't get credit and graduate.  No graduation means no mission.  Plus, he still has some weight to lose before he can go.  Add cleaning his room out, filling out papers, studying, friends, family....he's a little overwhelmed.  This weekend is Fathers/sons campout, prom, rehearsal, two wedding and a dance concert.  Seriously?  All on mother's day weekend.  Is there no respect??

I can't even think of what we've done all week, but we haven't been home!  After this weekend, there'll be a lot to post about.  Let's hope I keep on track and get it all down. Ü

I've been staying home most days trying to get life in order.  I hate laundry and it makes me insane.  Not only does doing it make me insane, but NOT doing it and having everyone looking for stuff makes me insane as well.  So this week I've tried really hard to get caught up.  I even cleaned out Bo and Katy's room, like seriously purged.  But they've gotten ready so nicely the last few mornings!  Then I went upstairs....if you know our family, you know what that means.  AAhHHHHH!  Now I'm not even close to caught up on laundry.  As I do this next batch though, I will weed out and they will only get to keep a little.  Tired of the chaos.

So I guess it sounds like I'm complaining, but really not.  About the laundry, yes... but in general it was just a busy week of normal stuff.  This weekend is the doozy so let's hope we all come out alive.  Keep on keepin on....that's the way we roll.  ♥

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