Sunday, May 4, 2014

1 in 7

So I've cried every day this week, but one.  Hey, at least there was one!!  The first four days were the worst.  Starting with Sunday.  Wednesday was my no cry day.  I'm pretty sure I was dry by then.  The other days, I didn't actually cry, just tear up.  That's progress!  Today though, I think I cried three times at church and once at home.  I'm back to welling up if someone asks how I'm doing.  I'm sure it will get better.  Then, after church, Stephen and I were sitting on the couch talking about a song for his farewell.  So I looked up a few I hadn't heard in awhile so I could let him listen to them.  That didn't go so well.  The tears rolled.  He was sweet and put his arm around me and let me have a little cuddle time.  How quickly this last week went by, it kind of freaks me out.  Too soon!!!  Here's a link to the video that made me lose it.

  In the Hallow of Thy Hand

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