Saturday, May 24, 2014

Another Big Step

Stephen went to the temple!  It's kind of tricky because you aren't allowed to go to the temple unless you've graduated, but he only had six days after graduation before he left.  So since Friday was actually his last day of school, they let him go then.  He actually went and took his last final that morning.  It was so awesome having my kids in the temple with me.  I got to sit right across from Stephen so he flashed me a smile often.  Then he and I went in the prayer circle together.  While I was waiting for him to enter the Celestial room, I started to cry thinking about how awesome Heaven will be when you know they'll be there, you're just not sure when.  Person after person came through the door, then it was finally him.  He gave me a big long hug and I was so truly happy.  Both Chelsey and Whitley and their husbands were there too.  We had a few extended family members come with and that's always nice to have that support.  It was just a beautiful day!!

This one is going in a frame for the next two years!

After, we went to Red Robin (Stephen's choice) for an early dinner.  His girlfriend Taylor and our friends the Johnsons joined us as well.  Did I mention how great family is??

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