Monday, September 10, 2012

I had a dream...

My mom's dad,  Grandpa Manary, passed away when I was only 17.  I was never super close to him and have only a few memories of him.  We spent the night at their house often and what I remember most is 1) him hacking up a lung first thing in the morning as he was having his coffee and breakfast very early in the morning (he smoked like a chimney)  2) he always slipped us these little pink mint candies under the table and 3) he had a little farm we could go to and pick berries.  That's about it.

Last night I had a dream about Grandpa.  In my dream he had a very special and expensive arrow, a flaming arrow, that he LOVED.  We all knew he loved that arrow.  Well, some guy came and asked him to give up his arrow so this guy could shoot it on a specific date.  He promised grandpa that if he let him have it, all his family's physical ailments would be healed by the following Monday.  So grandpa gave up the arrow but didn't tell anyone.  When I found out what he had done, I gave him the biggest kiss and hug (which I don't ever recall doing as a kid) and as I was hugging him, he said into my ear " I love you Laurie Bucket".

That was the whole dream.  But it was one of those dreams that you can't stop thinking about all day.  It just made me really happy.♥  I just found this ONE picture, grandpa is on the very end.

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