Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's the Next Day!

Lookie me, two days in a row!  Now, what has happened since yesterday??  I was having a mostly good day until my children got home.  I know...that's awful.  BUT, it's because I can't handle everyone's drama all at the same time.  I mean, there's only one of me!  Mom, I need to get my new glasses.  Mom, you never got me a physical so I can't play softball. (you never told me you needed one)  Mom, I got my progress report and my grades are terrible.  Mom, I hate what you're making for dinner.  Mom, he's hogging the computer.  Mom, I need the car but she's got it.  Mom, you promised rubber pancakes for dinner.  Mom,  I need $2, what chore can I do?  Need I go on???

I was in serious need of a time out.  So I took one, sort of.  I ordered up a fend for yourself dinner (ha!) and took Dalin to his new sports group, which I love!!  I had an idea for a neighborhood little league, but someone else beat me to it.  For $17 two of my boys get to go to the park once a week for 3 months and play "organized" sports.  They will rotate sports every month.  It's awsome!!  It was too hot yesterday though, excessive heat warning again.  But after that is when the time out occurred.  Dalin and I tripped off to Costco.  I really did need to go, but I made no hurry of it.  Just him and I sauntering around Costco with a cup of ice cream.  Ahhhh, just what I needed.  I know most people hate that holiday stuff is out and it's only August but I love it.  It gives me something to hold on to while I try to survive this dreaded desert.  I don't know what went on while I was gone, but I came home to a clean kitchen and kids cheerfully kissing me goodnight.  That..I can do!


Dacia said...

Good job blogging! Costco for a timeout? That's a great idea!

Tammy said...

Oh my gosh your house sounds like mine...well, except for the part about the car. Luckily we have a few years before we have to deal with that. I don't know how many times a day I say, "I am only one person!" So how did you get into the sports team for Dalin? I would LOVE to get my boys into something like that and the price sounds great. Is there still room for a couple more boys or is it full? Good job on the blogging!