Sunday, August 14, 2011

First Day of School

The littler kids finally started school this week.  Let me tell ya, they were ready!!  The day before, we went to meet the teacher day and everyone was overjoyed to be back at school.  After meeting all the teachers, we went to buy school supplies and that was quite the experience. Normally I don't take them with me, but today I decided I would.  So did everyone else.  The place was crazy.  Because the school supplies were right next to the toys, I let the little ones go look at toys (in groups) while I got their stuff.  Soon I hear "Laurie, your party is at the jewelry counter" over the loud speaker.  Surely this wasn't me, but I sent Chelsey to check.  Yup, Dalin had taken Bo to the bathroom and decided he was tired of waiting so he left him there.  When he couldn't find his way back, he sat by a rack and cried.  Some nice lady helped him to the jewelry counter where we picked him up.  Very heartbreaking.  And maddening. 

They were up bright and early the first day, ready to go!  Bo was so happy to be going ALL day and pack a lunch.  Big stuff.  They all came home with good reports of liking their teachers and having old friends to be with.  It was a good day for everyone.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I need to go to my real computer to read your blog. For some reason your blog is the only one that I can't see words on my iPad and I'm missing out on my neighbors lives. Pictures look cute. :)