Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm giving up Easy Parenting

Yesterday it hit me with full force that I'm raising a lazy and idle group of people.  AND it's mostly my fault!  I was bombarded several times yesterday as to why I was right on target with this new found revelation.  It made for some serious reflection on my part and a commitment to give up the "easy" way of parenting.  MY life is easier when I allow my kids to veg in front of the TV or play Wii for too many hours or spend their whole afternoon on FB.  I'm totally off the hook!  I can go read and not worry about what anyone is doing.  Of course, I only result to that on a very occasional basis...you know...when it's been a long day or I just really need to get something done or my book is getting really good.  What I realized is that those times were coming more and more frequently now.  Chores were being left undone, bedrooms are unbearably dirty, the slightest suggestions that they do something else brings moans and protests and all around a grouchy and unproductive bunch of lumps. 

I'm newly committed to having very limited "screen" time even if it kills me.  There will be more "work" around the house, more reading, more scouting, more family and outside activity time.  This takes the "easy" out of parenting because it requires me to always be on top of it.  Not just accept when they say they've put their laundry away, but go check and then drag them from whatever they are doing to finish it correctly.  As the mom I always want my kids to be comfortable.  Watching them struggle or miss out on things is difficult for me.  I have given them fair warning that that mom has left the building.  They will be dragged out of bed at 11pm if the garbage didn't get taken out...they will be brought home from a friend's if their laundry got left on the bed.  Hopefully it will not take long before they just start stepping up and becoming responsible and productive.

The new boundaries are that there will be no computer, Wii or TV until after dinner.  And that is also dependent on how the afternoon went.  I'm truly hoping we can all handle the withdrawals of our technology based existence and become a more family based one.  I still dream back to those 4 blissful days in Cali when we had nothing but each other.  I know it's possible, I just have to make it happen.  Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Dacia said...

Good luck! Your kids aren't that lazy, anyway. They will moan, but they will end up appreciating it. Okay, it may take a few years for that, but they will!