Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bo lost a tooth!

Bo has had a loose tooth for over a month now.  We have tried to pull it unsuccessfully a couple of times and he was getting tired of letting me try.  While at Sunday dinner, his cousin Kamry (who's Katy's age) showed him that she had lost her second tooth.  His reply, "no fair!!".  When we got home, we tried to pull it one more time.  He was yelping and wiggling while I tried to get a good hold on it.  Finally I got it out so I took my hand out of his mouth and said "fine, I'll stop."  He settled down, got a weird look on his face and yells "it's gone!".  He didn't even notice that I had pulled it.  Then he says "that didn't hurt at all!"  Really?  What was all the yelping about?

 He was so excited he could hardly contain himself.  He decided to text Grandma Green who was away visiting in Illinois.  He did all the texting himself spelling everything correctly and then asks "where's the explanation mark?".  I showed him where the "exclamation" mark was and put one there for him and he proceeds to tell me to add a couple more.  He was quite anxious to go to bed this night and wake up a dollar richer.  In telling his story to all the people he called the next day he always add "it's very exciting!".  That it was. 

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