Monday, August 22, 2011

Of No Real Importance

I have had a hard time blogging lately.  Yes, I'm kinda busy, but more than that...I'm struggling with trivial.  There's so much going on with the people around me and people I love that it always seems weird to get on and blah blah about my ho-hum day.  I know that my life is my life regardless of the trials of others, but it's just been hard to get myself to do  it.  Glade is really struggling with work and his family and his calling.  He's feeling a lot of responsibility that is both uncomfortable and sometimes burdensome for him.  Unfortunately I can't really help him so it's a strange place to be in.  I keep reminding him to "find joy in the journey ", not to let the daily simple things go unnoticed and unenjoyed because of the other pressures in life.  I know that's easier said than done, but it's possible.  With that in mind, this is just a little of what's been going on around here this last week:

-Dalin started orchestra, playing the viola
-Kids had their first play practice, so fun!
-We had stake conference, loved it.
-Chelsey ended up getting almost $3000 in grants after all, what a blessing
-The heat is oppressive and I can hardly take anymore
-I ran 3x last week (treadmill)
-For Mutual, we did speed dating, Whitley got asked out by the nerdiest kid there
-Whitley brought home a "baby" for her homework assignment.  It's electronic and knew if she was the one taking care of it or not.  She was docked points electronically if she let the head fall or didn't attend to it when needed.  It was a lot of work!
-I canned a few peaches
-Got started couponing again and remembered how fun it is to get things for free
-Speaking of free, cutest bracelet ever! (JCP coupon for $10 off $10)
-Really loving and appreciating my family

1 comment:

Jake and Jenny said...

Loved catching up, even though I thought I was caught up! :) Loved Stake Conf. too!