Thursday, January 21, 2010

Week in Review

So much going on right now! Within the last week and withing the next three, there's a lot on my plate. For starters, 3 birthdays. Dalin just had his and Katy's is in 10 days and Rhett's is two weeks after that. Along with that, I'm responsible for putting together a Pinewood Derby and a Blue and Gold banquet two weeks apart. I have enrichment and Bunko the next two Thursdays. Add to that the training for the half marathon I'm supposed to run next weekend and the Ragnar 4 weeks after that and I'm thinking...ahhhhhh! Oh yes, did I mention we are supposed to go to the cabin this weekend but we are getting one of the worst winter storms of the season? One more thing, I have no hot water on one side of my house and a husband who just had 3 teeth pulled and can barely function. Guessing I'm not getting hot water in the very near future. I'm not complaining about any of this BTW, just explaining why I haven't blogged for awhile and why it may be crazy and sporadic for the next little bit. But...these are some of the highlights from the last week:

* I ran 9 miles up and down hills and didn't die
*Spent a great afternoon watching football with some family
*Had almost the entire Smith family here for Sunday dinner and we laughed till we cried ($5 footlong)
*Made treats and took them to a few friends in the ward and donated shoes for Haiti
*Thoroughly enjoyed watching Jake send home crazy lady
*Had crazy scout day
*Katy has had dry pants for 3 straight days!
*Gotten lots of rain
*Watched Rhett finish 9th overall in the final conference meet and 2nd for 6th graders

*Took Dalin birthday shopping and out for ice cream
*Laundry laundry and more laundry

Not too exciting, but it's all mine!


Jake and Jenny said...

Life just never seems to slow down! It is just keeps moving faster and faster it seems, laundry and all!

Leslie said...

Yay for Katie! (and for you)
I'm glad you didn't die.