Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ten Miler

YEAH!! My first ten miles. I have been training for a couple of races I committed to, but it's been really hard. I have not been able to get into the groove very easily and every time I run it's really hard and unenjoyable. I have kept at it because I really need to, but not very happily. Today called for a long run. I have yet to make the distance they actually want me too, but I have gone farther than my farthest each time. Today I was shooting for nine miles. There's a loop through the neighborhood that is 4 1/2 miles so I just needed to do it twice. Well, I forgot to make a turn so my first loop was actually over 5.25 miles. At that point I knew I must do 10. I actually felt really good. The first 6 miles were all right at 11 min/miles. I was really happy with that and I felt really good to boot. It was mile 7 that I crashed. I went from woohoo to ah crap in a hurry. The great thing was that I was never out of breath, my legs were just tired. My toes were killing me and that sucked. Once I got to 9.5 I couldn't stop there so I went the extra half to get to 10. I ended at one hour and 55 min. That's 11:29 min/miles. I thought if I could do 12 min/miles that would be great. I am definitely happy with today! Bonus for the week, I lost 3 pounds.


Tammy said...

Wow! Nice job!

Leslie said...

You're awesome! Way to go!!

Anonymous said...

Super Fantastic! Way to go, Laurie. Dacia

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Camille said...

That was totally awesome!