Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Does it matter that they are people?

I just need to vent about the chaos in our world. I have to be careful to not obsess over things I can't change, but my tendency is to do just that. I'm sickened over the catastrophe in Haiti. I can't stop reading about it and the more I do, the angrier I get. How many thousands of children are suffering there? I know there already were thousands, and now that is just multiplied to a heart wrenching number. What makes me angry is the legalities and red tape it would take to save them. Considering the state they are in and the desperate situation they are facing, I would think they would be handing over children right and left to anyone who would be willing to take them. I understand there needs to be some order and paperwork to make sure they are accounted for, but seriously, they are just going to die over there. There isn't time for background checks and lengthy paperwork and home studies. Get them somewhere NOW! I, for one, would take one in a heartbeat. Let's take worst case scenario: A child is placed in a less than desirable situation, it happens. Is it any worse than being hungry and living on the street with no one to take care of them? The percentage of children that would happen to is SO minimal compared to the number of children that would have a chance at life. But...NO.....let's let them suffer and die, that certainly sounds like a better option.....grrrrrrr!


Krista Darrach said...

Your such an amazing example of a mother to me. I'm forever in awe of the love you have for children.
Not to say that I don't. I do.
But I always marvel at your amazing talent at being a mom.
It is sooo sad the Haiti situation, Jim watches it on TV 24/7 - I can't keep watching it- it is really sad.
But I just wanted you to know- I think you're freakin awesome and I'm a better person for knowing you.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you put your money where your mouth and and get the adoption process rolling?

Leslie said...

I'd take a couple. It is sad and frustrating.