December was a flurry of events!
While I was visiting in Illinois, our ward had a Night in Bethlehem Christmas party. I was partially responsible for putting this on/planning it but was not able to go. But here's my sweet family in there Bethlehem attire. Glade sang a song called Let Him In to end the evening. So sad I missed it.
Dalin had a concert the night of my other Bunko, so I was only able to stay for dinner before I left to go watch him sing. He is smack dab in the middle of this picture.
Rhett's choir was invited to sing at the Temple Lights this year. So we went as a family and with some of our friends to view the lights and listen to them sing. They did so good! We ended the night with donuts and hot chocolate as tradition allows. Rhett is the boy with no face right in the middle. I really have to get better at taking my real camera to these events.:/

I missed Stephen's concert when I was in Illinois but got another chance to see him as they performed the Messiah. These pics are of them greeting the guests with traditional carols as they arrived.
Dalin made the school paper! Doesn't that look just like him? Apparently eating fried chicken is a weird thing to do on Christmas. Funny that they put some other kid as his picture.
Had all the kids over for our annual gingerbread house night. Only this year we did Men. It was a lot easier on me, but the kids said they preferred the houses. Ok, next year!
This was the mess after leaving the kids alone to decorate sugar cookies one night. Oy.
Katy brought this home from school. I love that our school allows them to recognize the true meaning of Christmas.
And of course, it wouldn't be Christmas without a visit to Santa! Our friends, the Winters, have connections and are able to get Santa there every year. Amazing how their lists change as they start rattling off stuff.
We also were able to do a few service projects and were the recipients of someone doing the 12 days of Christmas to our family. So many fun little things!
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