Awesome awesome Christmas! I'm going to let pictures tell most the story. As always, kids were up BEFORE 5 am, but didn't make the "wake up!" call till exactly 5. I make them come down one at a time to see what Santa left them and then we all open our gifts together.
Since we have oranges out the wazoo, Santa decided to put Green Apples in their stockings this year. They were very excited about that!
Monster High Dolls
the family gift - an air popcorn popper. They can't wait to use it!
After our big win on our last cruise, I decided to get Glade a corn hole game set. The only problem was that they were really expensive and I wasn't sure what would be good quality. So I asked his dad to make him one and it turned out really well! Glade pulled all the punches this year and got me a 2 night hotel stay with tickets to Mama Mia. Plus, mom and Chelsey got me new pots and pans. Love it!!
After opening gifts and a return to slumber (Glade and I), we finally made it over to Mom's for family Christmas. This is always my favorite part. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas with my kids, but this is usually the time where laughter abounds and tears are shed. Plus, my WHOLE family is together!

This was the gag gift of the year. I really don't like birds. But while visiting in IL, I happened to see a bright red cardinal fly to a branch right outside my window. With all the snow, it really was quite spectacular. But I joked that I would never want one on a card, or picture or anything. So mom and Chelsey thought this would be funny to give me. They were right, it was.
After a lovely dinner (I say lovely because my family doesn't really know how to be lovely. IE: "grandma came in like a wreeeckiiing ball!"), we took Dad's new game outside and played the rest of the day.
We had to bring Jules cuz I didn't know how to leave her at home that long without some sort of trouble. Grandma greeted us with "Are you trying to ruin Christmas?!" She was a good dog and mostly just hung out in the back yard.
After being at Grandma's, we left and went to visit the Smith's. We didn't stay very long cuz we were all so tired and ready to get home, including Jules. It was a very wonderful day!!
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