Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Nick Drama

We've been through a lot with this boy and just when you think things are really progressing, something sets us back again.  On Thursday, I got a message from the school that "Nick has done something and we're going to need to ask you a few questions".  That can never be good.  I drove to the school praying it was anything but drug related.  Anything.

To make a very confusing and stupid story short, he brought Percocet to school and gave it to a friend, who gave one to another friend.  The story is that the kid hurt his shoulder and Nick was trying to help.  He had gotten some when he hurt his ankle.  Some girl heard them talking and it sounded like a drug deal so she alerted the administration.  When confronted, he lied.  Then when truth was unavoidable, he admitted to doing it.  Because of Nick's complex way of communicating and tendency to lie, we will probable never know if this was innocent, but stupid or if there was true delinquency going on.  Unfortunately distributing narcotics is a pretty serious offence.

The sheriff was called, all three boys are suspended.  Both Nick and the other boy who gave one away are suspended until a hearing with the school board can be arranged to see if they are willing to take him back as a student.  We have no idea what will happen or how we will handle it if it goes badly.  When they declined Nick as a student, and I pulled strings to get him in there, the one thing I said was that he would not be a discipline problem.  Almost made it nine whole weeks.

On a selfish note, most of this went down on Friday, the day I was trying to set up for a wedding.  Great timing, just awesome..

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