Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Rhett PR

This will be short and sweet.  And a little bittersweet.  While I was busy at Whitley's reception, Rhett was at the Twilight meet setting his new PR.  We had decided that his presence at the entire reception probably wasn't necessary, so we let him, Brooklyn and Dalin go run in the meet.  It's kind of a big deal.  It kills me to have them be running and me not be there.  Grandpa Smith decided he wanted to take them, which was really awesome... so they at least had a little support.  My phone finally rang and I hear the panting voice of Rhett telling me he PR'd.  Not just by a little, by almost 40 seconds.  His previous time was 20:05 which was up from 20:22.  This time he got 19:27.  I couldn't believe it.  I was so excited and yet so disappointed that I missed it.  There was no one there to hug him and celebrate with him.  He was so excited though!  I can't even tell you how much I love that he wants it.  In looking at all the times, the best I could tell is that among the fresh/soph boys, he would have been about 30th.  That's pretty good for such a big race.  People come from other states to compete.  I just hope he continues to grow and progress both physically and mentally.  Success is so fun!!

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