Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Weekend Alone

This weekend was a new experience for me.  We had a mini family reunion in Utah.  We also had our first rehearsal for Grease in which I was in charge of almost all the choreography that day.  I wrestled with how to handle the two conflicting events and in the end decided to stay home while Glade took the kids to Utah.  This was not the popular decision, but it's what I felt was best.  I kept Stephen and  Rhett home with me as well, since it was stuff they needed to learn and Stephen had to work.  Turned out to be good because Rhett also came down with a fever Friday night.

I've always dreamed of what it would be like to have my family go away and me stay at home, all that I could get done!!  Well, let me tell you about how it really went.


I spent the morning trying to get everyone ready and out the door on their way to Utah.  It was a little chaotic and kinda stressful.  Whitley and fiance Nick were going to drive the RV with the kids and Glade would catch up with them in his truck after his meetings.  To make a long story short, if it weren't for my "mom skills" at checking and double checking, they would have left without Whitley's jacket and wallet, a bag of food, the cooler with all the drinks and all of Katy's clothes.  This was all discovered after they were all buckled in and engine revved up.  Yikes.  I spent the rest of the day with Mom and  Chelsey, that was nice.

Once I picked up Rhett, I realized he had a fever.  Gave him some medicine and chilled at home for awhile.  Stephen worked till 7 so we waited for him and then went to dinner.  Mom joined us at Red Robin and we had a nice night out together.  I really love those boys.  Not only do I love them, I really like them as well.


Woke up and finished the choreography I needed to teach that day, went to rehearsal and then to pick up and deliver the pizzas Rhett had to sell to pay for his tux for choir.  By the time all that was done, it was 2:30 and I was really ready for a nap.  So I took one!  Stephen had to get to work at 4 so that left Rhett and me all alone the rest of the night.  After I woke up, I went out to try and encourage Rhett to do something with me, but he didn't want to do anything but play video games and watch videos about the video game he was playing.  I said ... NO.  He still had a slight fever so I let him off the hook of doing something with me.  I scanned through Netflix looking for something to watch.  Netflix is either set up poorly or I don't know how to use it.  They only give you about 15 movies per "category".  Turns out there are a ton more movies, but unless you specifically search it out, you can't see it.  I just want to see ALL the movies you have available and pick one.  So after a lame attempt at watching old SNL clips and disagreeing on what to watch with Rhett, I would type one letter in the search and see what 20 movies they would show me.  I wanted Christmas and he wanted Yugioh.  Finally, I came across a movie I had been wanting to see for a really long time.  I actually look for it every time I go to Goodwill.  Who knew it was right there on Netflix!  Anyway, it's called Heart and Soul.  About half way into it, we decided to eat dinner and then went to get froyo.  We stopped in to say hi to Stephen and then back home to finish the movie.

There's my exciting report on my weekend alone.  What I learned is this: being alone is boring.  I had no desire to do a single project because I could read a book or watch Everybody Loves Raymond and no one cared.  I didn't do dishes the whole weekend!  The upside, I could take a nap whenever I wanted.  Didn't matter what time it was cuz I wasn't responsible to anyone!  I could eat when I wanted, go when I wanted and do nothing when I wanted.  That was kinda cool.  In the end my final conclusion is that I miss my family and even a midst the chaos and craziness, I still really like them being around. ♥

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