Sunday, August 18, 2013


Life is never dull with this 6 year old around.  She started full days of school this last week and it has been tough!  She started a new school at the same time so she blames it on the school, not that she was still taking naps many days of the week and now is at school for 7 hours.  She comes home really whiny and it's all I can do to be nice to her.  But she's made friends and even has a new crush named Drew.  He's cute with dimples and she really likes to look at him.  She has lost her first tooth thanks to a corn dog, started taking piano lessons and will start back up with dance next week.  Busy little girl.

When we left for a weekend away several months ago, Katy had a complete meltdown when I left.  Sobbing kind of meltdown.  Weird.  Since then she freaks out every time I leave.  Like makes me start to cry cuz I feel so bad about how sincerely sad she is.  In the recent past she has gotten much better but has started a new routine.  Anytime we leave, or anyone for that matter, she will drop whatever she is doing.. I mean whatever.. and will go stand out on the front porch to wave and blow kisses.  Occasionally it's even happened that I told her I was leaving then got distracted and left her standing there waiting for quite some time.  One time I forgot to wave and kiss back and she turned around slumped and crying retreating back to the house.  When I remembered, I honked the horn, blew her a kiss and then all was well.  I hope she grows out of this soon, although I really don't mind the sendoff. ♥

Katy is cute and sassy (in a good way) and such an amazing little girl.  She is very afraid of discipline and is very sure to follow directions.  Plus,  she'll let you know if anyone else isn't.  She never gets in trouble at school and I can talk her out of a tantrum pretty easily by explaining the consequences and how her behavior is going to lead to an unhappy ending.  She can be very reasonable and again, does NOT like to be disciplined. Once when she was crying on the ride home, Glade had pulled over to help someone and before he got back on the road, made a motion with his hand for her to get out.  She immediately stopped crying.  When we pulled over again to help the same car, she climbed up front with me and said "you know I couldn't walk home, I don't know the way."  So she was able to reason that out and know that not to cry was her only option.  I couldn't exactly tell her we would never make her walk home, that would ruin the threat!   She's very smart and has an uncanny sense of direction.  She can recognize places we've only been once or roads we have barely traveled and tell us where we are.  Most of all this little sweety likes to take pictures.  LOTS of pictures.  My camera on my phone is constantly renewed with self portraits of  herself.  Sometimes it's just an eye or an ear or some silly face and others it's video after video of her explaining the world according to her.  Absolutely priceless.  She is the perfect caboose to my train! ♥

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