Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sweet Relief..

I wish that could be the title to a post about the weather cooling down since it's been over 110 for over a week now.  But, no.  Today has been a whirlwind of Mommy duties.  I spent a very productive morning of laundry and cleaning and other little tasks around the house.  On a side note, High School Musical happened to be on while I was folding laundry so I watched it!  The fun part is when it got to the end and they were singing "We're All in This Together", I totally got up and did the whole dance with them.  We learned it last year in Glee.  It was so fun, and now I understand how Katy can just jump up and start dancing with whatever is going on on the TV.  Anyway, I got a call from Bo's teacher saying he was in trouble.  Too much talking in class, no focus.  Shocking.

Katy was being a poop about doing her homework so we got through it and she went straight to my bed and crashed.  Kindergarten does a number on her.  Not much later Whitley called and asked if I could come save her, she ran out of gas.  That girl.  She didn't want to spend any money till she got her paycheck the next day (even though she had some in her account).  Her logic escapes me sometimes. Did I ever mention that along with her terrible week last week she also stepped on a scorpion?   So I had to wake up Katy and go take her some gas. So after, Katy and I splurged for a Diet Coke and ice cream.  It was then that I got a call from Nick telling me he didn't stay after school so I didn't have to go get him.  Yes!!

The big AHHH came when the other kids finally came home and Rhett announced that he found his retainer in Seminary.  And it fits!!  I'm so glad I hadn't called his ortho yet.  It's weird I wasn't feeling a big urgency to call.  But now he has them and hopefully he'll do better from now on.  So even though today had it's small trials, It's ending on a very happy note.  Not to mention I have Bunko tonight!!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

It has been a while since I have gotten to read your blog. I sat down today and got all caught up. What a time you have all had. I sure hope this turns out to be a much happier week!