Sunday, August 12, 2012

NOW it's laughable...

Ok, you would think that nothing else could happen after a week like we've had.  Wrong.  Thursday night Whitley and I spent the evening watching a chick flick in my bed and then went to bed early.  Friday dawned a new day!!  I woke up still feeling yucky but better than the day before.  Since the bus had come at the exact same time for two days in a row and he said that felt like what it was probably going to be now, I sent the kids without  me this morning.  I sent them 8 minutes earlier than the bus had been coming.  It's about a minute walk to the bus stop.  At 7:40 I went outside to check on them and I saw no kids where they normally wait.  Sweet, we have a routine!  About 8 am my doorbell rang.  There, with his little face pressed against the window, was little Bo.  What??  He said the bus never came.  I threw them in the van and headed to the school.  I called the bus driver to see what happened and he said they eliminated a stop and he was there about 10 minutes early.  That would be 2 min before I sent my kids out.  Seriously?  This bus thing has not really been so great thus far.

I had lunch plans with mom and Chelsey which was a nice, but brief, time out of the house.  Still wasn't feeling great so I was anxious to get home to a nap.  Whitley had gone to the HS to re-visit her old choir class.  She needed something happy and familiar for a minute.  When the kids finally got home off the bus, I heard Stephen say.. "mom's gonna be so mad!".  I thought "no!"  I don't want to be mad.  I got up to see what happened.  Rhett lost his retainer.  We went over his day and how it happened as I drove him back to the school to look or it (my third trip to the school today).  Bad news, no retainer.  The good news and what I tried to focus on so I didn't strangle him was how it got lost.  First, he doesn't even have to wear it all the time according to his doctor, but he has been so faithful and wearing it anyway.  Very proud of him for that.  Second, he took it out because he was given a big box of candy for winning second place in a Mr.Patriot (or something) contest at the assembly.  A teacher chose him to compete.  He had to use a pick up line on a girl, walk a catwalk, dance the cha cha or something with a girl and answer a question.  He did all that in front of the whole school!!  And got second!!  I have to be a little proud at this accomplishment.  So he has now been three days without wearing it.  I think his teeth have definitely shifted a little.  But, what are ya gonna do?  I'll call on Monday morning and see what the options are.  And I thought my week couldn't get any worse.

Glade and I went to a Diamondbacks game that night.  I was still feeling yucky but we needed to use the tickets.  We were quite the pair.  We sat slumped in our seats watching the most boring game ever.  There weren't a lot of people in our section so it was really quiet as well.  We ate hot dogs and nachos and just sat.  We loved it!  After the week I'd had and how tired he was from all he had done, it was so great to just sit there together with no demands.

Whitley had gone to the temple with one of her friends and a boy she could be interested in (if he weren't out of her league).  Now, the fact that he spent his Friday night going to the temple with her and her friend says to me that he does not feel the same.  Anyway, she had a really good time.. .until...  she tried to get home.  Her phone had died while at her friends house (get a charger already!) so she couldn't use GPS or make a call when she realized she was on her way to Saguaro Lake instead of our home.  Very opposite directions.  She drove around for an hour in the dark trying to find something familiar before she ended up at an intersection she recognized.  She went into a McDonalds, said she was lost and asked them to point her south.  Poor thing.. oh yah, she also got flashed by a photo radar while driving around.  This girl never goes over the speed limit, her friends make fun of her all the time.  Now she'll have to deal with a ticket as well.

The next morning I made sure to talk to her about the word "laughable".  I can't even imagine how her week could have ended up so badly!  But at this point, you gotta laugh.  Your safe, and healthy and none of her "problems" were life altering.  It's the only way to not get swallowed up in your self pity.  She went about her day and actually had a really great day.  Including having the original boy text her constantly while  being on a weekend trip with his friends.  Also telling her he didn't really like that girl after all.  Maybe her doing her own thing and being on a date when he got back when he  wanted to hang out with her is making him reevaluate her.  It probably doesn't hurt that his "very attractive" cousin asked her out for next weekend as well.  We'll have to see how this saga plays out. Ü

I honestly have no idea what was supposed to be learned from the crazy and very LONG week the two of us endured, but I'm glad it's over and am planning on a better one coming up.  It's hard to believe all the play drama was only 6 days ago.  It's truly just laughable.  But, we survived.  Upward and onward!!

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