Monday, April 2, 2012

Insightful Conversation

I know I've been a little doting on Whitley lately, but she deserves it.  This is a conversation she had on Facebook with one of her friends from school.  I'm so proud of her ability to say what she believes and still be kind.  She has been friends with Stefanie for a long time and because she preceded this conversation with acts of love, Stefanie knows that Whitley was not being judgmental of her.

‎"In the kingdom of God, there are no second class citizens." - David S. Baxter
 ·  · 15 hours ago via mobile · 
    • Stefanie Campanella That is probably the most interesting quote I've read all day, not gonna lie, its great.
      15 hours ago ·  ·  2
    • Whitley Michelle Its a good one huh?! Everyone is the same to Him and if our goal ia to be like him, shouldnt everone be the same to us too ? :)
      15 hours ago ·  ·  2
    • Stefanie Campanella more people need to think that way, and act on it, alot of religious people fall short on the whole "treating everyone equally" thing.
      I only wish that quote was true.
      15 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Whitley Michelle I agree that a lot of people fall short, I just think people need to be reminded more often. This quote is true. You may not believe it, but I know it and Im fonna work on helping others know it to not only lift their confidence but to help them realize the reality of "everyone is equal"
      15 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Whitley Michelle ‎*Gonna
      15 hours ago · 
    • Stefanie Campanella I'm obviously not big on religion, but I'm big on equality. I am just skeptical cause I have yet to see alot of people who are religious support equality.
      15 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Whitley Michelle I know both of those things about you :) just be the reminder that everyone is the same and you are really good about that already. There is a bumper sticker that says "dont judge me because I sin different than you". People need to realize that they make mistakes too and its not fair to be rude or disclusive to someone because their mistakes are different ones. Keep reminding. :) its the best you can do
      15 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Mary Heywood Yeah! And it is so true. Sometimes we believe something or know something but foget to apply it in our choices and actions. None of us our perfect, and we all need reminders even if we believe it. We can all be kinder, and less judgemental but the best we can do is to keep progressing.
      15 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Keslee Deem Wow. If I could like this entire conversation I would. oh wait. I can. And for the record stefanie, I know that religion and equality go hand in hand. Sometimes people just have a harder time acting on it.
      15 hours ago · 
    • Bryan Tanquary So true equality is one of the biggest things I've learned over the last years especially through church. They really strive to teach us to humble ourselves and be accepting no body's perfect like elder uchdorfs story about the bumper sticker "don't judge me because I sin differently then you "and it's soo true everyone sins and no ones perfect but they're equal in gods eyes weather your black white Mexican gay strait dissabled depressed addicted it doesn't matter :) I love it!
      15 hours ago ·  ·  2
    • Bryan Tanquary Dude we wrote the same quote at the same time! Haha
      15 hours ago · 
    • Mary Heywood Actually. Whitley wrote it first. (:
      15 hours ago · 
    • Mary Heywood ‎* (;
      15 hours ago · 
    • Whitley Michelle I wrote it 8 minutes before you bryan :) but what you said is totally true :) I just wish more people would realize that
      15 hours ago · 
    • Bryan Tanquary Well i didn't see it haha
      15 hours ago · 
    • Whitley Michelle Haha you're good. Its so good its worth putting on here twice :)
      15 hours ago · 
    • Mary Heywood Because it is true! Even twice. :)
      15 hours ago · 
    • Stefanie Campanella I don't mean to start a rant on your fb but listen, religions often don't think much of women, or gay people, or other religions. I'm not seeing too much equality in that. If religion taught equality for real I think the world would look very different.
      14 hours ago · 
    • Whitley Michelle Im fine with it but i want you to know that MY church does. Dont lump us with the rest because as you've seen from the quotes on fb today, we obviously are taught. We have a program called relief society whose goal is to serve anyone and everyone. Sure, some slack, but they still have agency. Relief society is all of the married women of the LDS church. They were first to get support to haiti a few years ago. Their soul purpose is to provide relief ro anyone and bring others to Christ. That doesnt sound like a judgemental church to me so please do not try to tell me that we dont teach equality.
      14 hours ago · 
    • Stefanie Campanella But you think gay people shouldn't have rights, like marriage right?
      14 hours ago · 
    • Whitley Michelle Marriage is a sacred ordinance that is to be performed in love to begin the creation of a family. To bring children of God to this earth to recieve bodies. In a homosexual relationship, that is not possible. The family is THE most important part of our religion and so no, we do not support gay marriages. But that doesnt mean we think any less of gay people or those who do support it (at least we are taught not to but again with the agency thing). I for one, love boys. But people who feel differently, its their choice. Will I ever admit that it is the way that God intended it? Honestly, I wont. But I WILL NOT judge those who are gay. Agency. Thats really what this is all about and freedom to choose is a blessing. God loves gay people just as much as He loves strait people, so so do I. And THAT is how it is supposed to be
      14 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Stefanie Campanella I can't have kids at all, but I can still get married to a guy in your opinion?
      And idk not giving rights isn't treating someone equally. I feel like you wouldn't be happy of I told you that you can't get married.
      14 hours ago · 
    • Stefanie Campanella And also, I know you personally don't treat gay people differently obviously.
      14 hours ago · 
    • Whitley Michelle I do think that getting married to a guy is still fine, even if you cant have kids. A huaband and wife are still a family and adoption is still family as well. There is a sacred ordinance performed in the temple called sealing. It binds man and wife and children together as a family for not only this life but for the eternities. We know that only through this ordinance can we obtain every amount of heavenly glory. Maybe on earth it doesnt seem equal but everyone here has an opportunity to find the gospel of Jesus Christ and if not they can learn it after. He cannot discard his commandments to make us happy here. There are choices and consequences and we dont understand it all but we know that God is just and has a plan and will make everything perfectly fair. We also know that He is merciful and will forgive and loves everyone. I dont know how it all works out, but if I knew everything, where is the need for faith? I hope none of this offends you. That is the furthest thing from my intention but you asked so im trying to be straight forward and honest with you ♥
      14 hours ago ·  ·  1
    • Stefanie Campanella No I know, and I respect your opinion.
      13 hours ago · 

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