Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why Does Being Older Make You Cry?

I swear the older I get the more I get emotional about silly and small things.  What happens, is it actually a physical condition that occurs in your tear ducts.. kinda like your bladder... just loss of control?? 

Thursday was our ward Temple night so we went with our good friends and did sealings.  In our church, we believe that families are forever, but only if sealed by the proper priesthood authority.  So in the Temple, we do those ordinances for those who have passed, but didn't have the opportunity to do them while on the earth.  So, by proxy.  The eight of us were in a room with a "sealer", a man with priesthood authority, and were performing marriages and sealing of children to their parents.  If that sounds weird, it's not.  It's beautiful and such an honor to get to be a part of. 

As I watched my friends kneel at an alter and go through the marriage ceremony for a couple who has passed, it was a little like getting to see all my friends get married.  I loved it.  Then when I was acting for a daughter, being sealed to her parents, I imagined how happy this girl was right now.. finally having this blessing.  Then I looked at my two friends acting as the parents and realized how much I loved them and they weren't even my family.  That was the end for me.  When my turn was over, I went back to sit by Glade and the tears began to fall.

I tried to make it stop, but it just wouldn't.  Like a waterfall.  I got sweet smiles of "awww" from those that noticed and a gentle squeeze of the hand from my husband.  I finally thought I had it mastered and we were called up again to act as the husband and wife.  During the ceremony it started all over again.  When he was  done, the sealer says to me "are ya ok?  Do you need to take a minute?"  My friends explained that my daughter was getting married in 2 months and that's why I was so emotional.  Is that what they thought?  I shoulda just went with it.  Instead, I choked out "it's not that, I just love you guys so much!"  Once I was able to express myself a little, the tears slowed down a bit.  I just had to not look around this beautiful room filled with beautiful people and think about how truly blessed I am.  That was hard.

I have a goal to go to the temple twice a month, but if I'm gonna cry every time I go I may have to reconsider! I'm kidding.  There's nothing like being in the house of the Lord.  Except being in the House of the Lord with the people you love.  I can't wait to take Chelsey there.


Leslie said...

I certainly hope that my lack of control over my tear ducts isn't connected to loss of bladder control. If it is, I'm in real trouble!! ;)

Tina said...

I cried through that whole story. Does that say anything?

Anonymous said...

what a good feeling I have in my heart right now - all warm and fuzzy. Yep, tears in my eyes, too! Gotta go tinkle now.

Tammy said...

What a great experience!