Sunday, January 22, 2012

I'll take Mundane

So much for boring and mundane.  This week has been really quite busy.  Bo came down with a fever last Sunday night and has been sick ever since.  Wednesday he got really congested and started saying his ear hurt.  Thursday night his ear drum burst while we were gone.  I realized it Friday morning when there was a little blood crusted in his ear.  I figured that was a good thing and now it would heal.  Friday morning he was happier than he'd been all week.  By Friday night the fever was back and I had to wake him from his 6 hour nap.  A friend came over so he and Glade could give him a blessing and then I took him to urgent care.

We got back from urgent care at 10:30pm.  The doctor wasn't very happy that I had given him "left over" antibiotics in hopes to not have to end up in urgent care.  He really wasn't very nice.  So after charging me $150 (the cash discount), he gave me a $100 prescription.  Really?  After I just told you we didn't have insurance and the whole reason we used our antibiotics sparingly was because we couldn't afford to take our kids to the Dr. every time they had a little sniffle?  I chose not to buy the antibiotics and see what else I could figure out.  Now I spent $150 and had nothing but a confirmation that "yes, it burst."  Fantastic.

The next morning I had Dalin's birthday party first thing.  While they were in the movie, I called a few pharmacies to see if they had it cheaper.  Good ol' Wal Mart.  So I took it there and came to find out that what they quoted me was wrong and that their price was $96.  BUT, she said she thought they could apply some discount, but wasn't sure how much it would affect it.  At this point, I just wanted the meds for my boy, so whatever the discount was would be fine with me.  After punching in some numbers she said "with the discount, it will be $42."  Hmmmmm, really?  Wow.  That's more than 50%.  THEN WHY THE HECK WERE YOU CHARGING ME $96????  I really hate this whole system called "medicine". 

So now Bo has completed 24 hours of meds and hopefully will start feeling better soon. Still had a fever this morning.  However, Katy came down with a fever on Friday afternoon so who knows how long it will hang on with her.  This morning she said she felt fine, but she was freezing.  I took one look at her rosie cheeks and headed for the medicine cabinet.  Too fun.

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