Tuesday, January 3, 2012

He Hears

Why didn't I think of it sooner?  Without going into detail at this time, I have had some reservations about some things coming up and I haven't been able to feel good about it.  I wanted to, it just wasn't there.  Because it's not something that's my decision, it's hard to watch it happening and not feel good about it.  I decided to go to the Temple and try to find my peace.  I went by myself and at a less busy time so I wasn't rushed. 

I sat through the entire session feeling...I dont' know... I felt anxiety?  It's weird, it could have been a good feeling or a bad one, I couldn't determine.  That's really frustrating!  During the prayer at the end, I was over come with exactly what I was looking for.  This man's simple prayer, gave me everything I needed to feel peace.  So much so that I cried.  I don't think I've ever cried in the temple before, but today I did.  A good cry.  Then I couldn't stop... lol.  Now I can move ahead without feeling unsure. 

The very best part of this whole experience is not finding the answer I was looking for, but that He loves me enough to hear me.  He cares enough to make sure I have what I need.  The peace I feel about the situation is very important to me, but more than that is the love I feel from a Heavenly Father who cares. Today I'm grateful.


Amy said...

I love it! That is my favorite thing ever. I live for that. So sweet!

Heather said...

I love stories like that. Loved your testimony too. :)

Jake and Jenny said...

Love being in the temple too! Loved your testimony too.