Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Holiday Season

It's here, it's finally here!  While scanning FB earlier I came across an e-book about making this season simple.  Of course, that appealed to my very fried brain.  As I read it, it occurred to me.  It's actually here.  The season that is.  I'm so glad someone reminded me of it so I can enjoy every single day of it.  All year I look forward to these couple of months for so many reasons.  As my family gets busier (and it seems to every year) these months sneak up, fly by and are barely enjoyed. 

Last year I remember re-evaluating Christmas and thought "there just wasn't anything special about it".  It was fine and I got everything done and had some fun times, but nothing "special".  That's because I spent my time making sure I checked everything off, got it done, made the memories.  Only, I think I missed the last part by hurriedly doing the first two.  I swore that this year I would slow it down and do it right.  Well here it is November 1st and I haven't really taken even one minute to figure out HOW I was going to do that.  This little pamphlet asks some very pointed questions and helps to put a plan in order.  Not a "get it done" plan, but a "how's it gonna be" plan.  With everything else going on in everyday life, I am busy and sometimes even a little overwhelmed, but I'm not letting this Holiday Season pass by me and not suck every bit of enjoyment out of it I can.  And that includes a lot of slowing down. 

You can find the pamphlet HERE .  It's not the pamphlet that was so eye opening and inspirational, but the realization that I might have missed it and how sad that would have been.  I possibly could have gone through the next 60 days in a flurry of "get it done" and missed the good stuff.  Having wonderful and memorable holidays is intentional, it doesn't just happen.  Thankfully I'm now on my way to an intentionally fabulous Holiday Season!!


Leslie said...

Thanks for the thoughts and for the links. I need to evaluate things, too.

Heather said...

OH boy I can't believe we are already thinking about this. Ok I am gonna try and enjoy this too. The cold not so much but I am gonna enjoy the holidays. Let me know how it all works out for you. Ü