Sunday, November 6, 2011


I'm not super good at stretching myself.  It's uncomfortable.  My calling dealing with the young women is very far out of my comfort zone.  Trying to get back into running has not been at all comfortable.  Recently I decided to try my hand at directing.  I volunteered to assist the production of Glee at the theater.  It's not like Glee the tv show, just like a show choir.  I thought that would be fun and insightful.  Well, it's turned out to be a little bit of a mess and slightly chaotic and stressful.  You see, the girl who was supposed to actually direct it, who has experience.. decided to drop out about six weeks into it.  Had she done it close to the beginning, it would have been challenging, but being in the middle made a lot of pieces for us to try to put back together.  Unhappy girls and parents and a lot of catching up to do.  The really ironic part of all of this is that it left me and another girl, Sarah, to put on the whole show.  Neither of us have ever done it before and I don't sing and she doesn't dance.  Funny, huh?  We were left the sole responsibility to choose, choreograph and teach all 35 or so numbers for about 80 kids.  Still funny?  Not so much. 

We enlisted the help of a couple of other women and my daughter Chelsey.  They have been so helpful, but the drama that has transpired because of this has been almost unbearable.  Lucky for me I have been able to keep control of my tongue, for the most part, to complaining and critical parents and girls. 

I would never quit on them or shun my responsibility to them although it has not been the experience I thought it would be.  Because I know how much my own kids have benefited from the theater experience, I am committed to making the best possible experience for my Glee kids as I can.  It has involved a few tears, a lot of hours and much anxiety but it's finally starting to come together.  This last Saturday was the first time I could actually see that maybe it was going to all be OK.  The directer at the Theater, Molly, has been a lifesaver to us and is quite inspiring to be around.  I love the way she relates to the kids and the way they respond to her.  I can only hope for that kind of rapport.  We have about 5 weeks till our performance and it's filled with a lot of last minute cramming and teaching and perfecting.  I'm determined to enjoy it.  Sometimes we stretch a little farther than maybe is even good for us, but we always come out with learning and understanding and appreciation for things we didn't necessarily understand before.  I have definitely come away with that!  I just hope these kids walk away feeling proud and accomplished and excited for more opportunities.  That will make it all worth it.

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