Tuesday, November 22, 2011


vol·un·teer (vln-tîr) n.

1. A person who performs or offers to perform a service voluntarily
1. to offer (oneself or one's services) for an undertaking by choice and without request or obligation

This is what I do for Glee.  Volunteer.  I give hours of my time to give these kids an opportunity to learn and perform and have experiences they wouldn't otherwise have.  I stress about it, cry about it, laugh about it and take pride in it.  I leave my family to go be with that family.  I do my best. 
I have been truly amazed at the whining, demanding and down right offensive parents that have yelled, emailed, thrown tantrums right in front of the kids and just plain were RUDE to us as directors.  Really??  I can't think of one incident as of yet where a parent has come up and said THANKS for doing this for my child.  I've always been on the other side, as the parent, and I'm sure I have never really appreciated all that has gone on in behalf of my children. 
My request now is this: If you have a child that participates in anything where their leader is a volunteer.  Be nice!!  They weren't trained and paid to do what they do, they volunteered!  I don't need a gift card at the end of the season or a plaque, but some respect and patience along the way would be rather nice. 
*deep breath*  I do it for the other kids, the ones who come to practice, give a hug before they leave, follow direction and love being there.  Those are the families I volunteer for.  For them, I do it.


Anonymous said...

and for them, and for you, you do it AWESOMELY!

Leslie said...

Good job, Laurie!