Saturday, November 5, 2011

It Makes Scents

Glade says I have an overactive sense of smell.  I smell everything.  I'm pretty sure it's a girl thing.  I buy most of my beauty products based on smell alone. (Now you know why I look like I do!)  Yesterday I got the job privilege of babysitting for Chelsey while she was supposed to be babysitting so she could go the Temple with Spensy-poo.  Since I was required to stay out in the living room the whole time to make sure the nine year old didn't sled down my stairs again, I decided to get out my fall decorations.  Fall is definitely my favorite season!  Well it would be if we had one.  So I lit my pumpkin pie candle and outed all the orange and yellow fun stuff.  It was perfect that the high that day was only about 74 so having the door open was pleasant and I didn't sweat even once. 

Later that evening, my friend Jenny and I were able to have a girls night out.  Her husband was out of town and mine was happy to stay at work so I could do some girl stuff.  (Which was highly needed, but that's a whole nother crybaby post)  BUT, thank you Glade! ♥ We went to dinner at SomBurro and then went over to walk around the mall.  I haven't done that without a man or child in tow for a really long time!  It's just different without someone pulling on your pantleg or waiting outside tapping their toe.  We didn't need anything in particular, just to look at stuff with no restraints.  I was fortunate enough to have just gotten a $10 off  $30 in the mail for Bath and Body Works.  I haven't gotten anything there in a really long time!  We were able to browse and smell and chat and smell some more without any hesitation.  I walked out with a really cute little bag of good smelling hand soap and a few other cute things.  I get in trouble in that store.  I want to buy things just on the cute packaging alone!  While in a store, it rained... for a minute or two... but enough to wet the ground, send up the smell of dirt (rain), and chill the air.  Perfect!! 

Since the mall was closing, we decided to run over to Kohl's and roam around there.  It was so nice to just wander.  Although, by the time I was done with the night I really just wanted to go home and put up my Christmas tree!  I don't care that Christmas is not for another 6 weeks, I can thoroughly enjoy it that long.  While we were in Kohl's, we heard a really loud noise and stopped to listen.  Is that rain??  Rain so hard we can hear it inside a big store??  We went to the door to check and sure enough.  Only for a minute or two, but it was glorious.  Rain, cold weather, good smelly stuff, Christmas everywhere and a good friend.  Absolutely, positively, perfectly what the Doctor ordered!!

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