Sunday, October 30, 2011

the Dream that Sticks

I had the kind of dream that sticks with you all day last night.  Lots of times these kinds of dreams are ones that hurt your feeling ie; cheating spouse, death of a child, etc.  This was just plain weird and for some reason has stayed with me all day.  Bear with me in my attempts to describe a dream that is probably  not accurately describable. 

In the dream I had just realized I was pregnant.  About 4 months or so and the baby was really moving and kicking me.  So much so that it was painful.  I was pushing on my tummy trying to get it to reposition but it would just kick back.  It was kicking so much that you could actually see the imprint of it's tiny little foot on my belly.  Toes and all! Then, as it moved around, the shape of a flashlight also was visible on my tummy.  A little bit later, there came the outline of a remote.  I was very worried about having these objects in the womb with my baby but didn't know what to do about it.  Since we didn't have insurance I couldn't go get an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. 

That's the point where I woke up to a twitching in my belly right where the baby had been kicking.  Weird.  So what I wonder now is this: was this one of those dreams where everything has a significance?  Like that maybe I'm longing for a baby, some light and a little TV time?  OR, is it just the product of too many Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?  One has to wonder.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Here is my theory:
A mother's concern

Kicking baby... kids can't relax and entertain themselves anymore.

Remote: They need constant stimulation from TV, video games, the WII

Flashligt - perhaps another gadget or the fact that they will use any means to satisfy their need to "play the games" daytime..night time...

Pregnancy...This addiction seems to be happening to kids earlier and earlier.. 2, 3, 4.. what's next..while they are in the womb??

OR............ it could just be the Reese's... :>)