Monday, November 14, 2011

1st Losers OK with Me!

I won!  I won!  Ok,  so I was the "1st loser"... as my kids put a pie contest at our ward party.  I got second place with my apple pie.  I didn't feel at all bad about losing to Valerie cuz everything she makes is delectable!!  Wanna know what I won?  I should take a picture.  Maybe I will once I get my trophy properly displayed.  It's an 18x24 portrait of our first counselor in the Bishopric.  Yep, close up and everything.  I'm supposed to display it until the next ward function when I will then hand it over to the next "first loser" of whatever contest they have.  Until then I will look at this very large picture of Brother Clare and think "dang I make a good apple pie!"

We had a terrible lesson in Sunday school on Sunday.  It was about appreciating our trials and why they are good for us.  What always bothers me about these lessons is that we haven't really had any serious trials.  Nothing big and daunting or testimony shaking.  Life's been pretty easy for us.  Now, I'm aware that I'm only half way through my life, but all the comments are kinda hurtful.  You know, things like "if you're not being tested it's because Satan already has you" or "You must not be destined for great things".  I feel like we are doing all that we can to be strong and teach our kids.  I know there's always more and we're far from perfect, but really....Satan already has us???  Wasn't exactly an uplifting lesson for me.

Today I spent good quality time with Glade, Katy, Chelsey, Whitley and Bo.  Just little bits of time, but bits that make the difference.  Time that is just ours.  I just need to make sure we share the love!  Chelsey and I went jeans shopping.  Glade, Katy and I went to lunch and it was so sweet to see her snuggle up to him and want to be right next to him.  Whitley and I went for a run together.  Which, might I add, was a good run!  The fastest I have run in quite some time.  I even thought I might puke!  Whitley made the comment how she was a little embarrassed that her mother could run faster than her.  Uh-huh, that's right. 

I made lasagna for dinner.  That's maybe 3 times ever for us.  I love it, but kids always whine.  Today I just did it anyway and there was very little complaining.  It was very refreshing.  I ate way too much though.  I just love that crusty, burned cheese around the edges!!  After, we had FHE and Bo cuddled with me and we had a nice talk about smiling and how it can make someone have a great day.  He has such an awesome and sincere smile.  I just adore him. 

I'm on my 8th book of the Work and the Glory for the second time.  Now that the weather has cooled off, it's really hard not to just snuggle in my bed and read.  It feels good to be all cozy in the blankets and loving what you're reading.  Too bad there's not more hours in the day!  But since there's not, I guess I'll head that direction now.  Being grateful for my very easy and blessed life. (even if it means we suck Ü )


Tammy said...

Someone actually said that if you are not being tested it's because Satan already has you? Are you serious?! That is crazy! I don't think you should worry too much about that statement because, ummm hello, that is BULL! I have also never known anyone who is not being tested with something, most times during their lives, even if it isn't earth shattering. Just because you don't dwell on it, doesn't mean they aren't happening. I know how you feel though. Growing up I always wondered why other people's lives seemed so hard and our family really had it pretty easy. I used to wonder if it was because I/we weren't as "good' as those other people. Well, I think we have some obvious trials now (although still not nearly as hard as some I see others going through) and I can tell certainly isn't because we are any better than anyone else! Satan has you...not destined for great things...not being tested...those statements are all totally ludicrous! Don't worry you are doing great! You are amazing and I love your children!!!

And congratulations on the pie. I wish we could have been there Saturday night.

Anonymous said...

Im sure the comments were not meant to offend. Bummer you didnt like the lesson though!